[txmt-dev] Re: Main Window UI Concept

Dennis Vennink d.vennink at student.tudelft.nl
Thu Sep 20 07:11:22 UTC 2012

I can only concur with your points. A collapsable search bar in the file browser would be handy. I've also been thinking about the introduction of Chocolat like 'workspaces'. With the introduction of the full screen mode, having an easy way to switch between windows would be incredibly handy.

Regarding bookmarked files, have you checked 'Go > Favorites' in the Menu Bar? You can set a shortcut for this in 'System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts'.

Take care,

On Sep 20, 2012, at 6:30 AM, Scott Richardson <scott.richardson at visionsystemsinc.com> wrote:

> I like the new UI concept, however, I would like the features of the Go To File pallet to be more easily exposed. 
> For instance, I think a little search bar at the bottom of the side bar that searched for a file in the project to open would be very useful (like XCode does). 
> I also like having a list of open windows. A tab bar only serves me for so long. Pretty soon I fill it up to the point where I cant flip between files quickly anymore. The file browser doesnt work well for this either when projects have large numbers of files. However, I rarely work with more than ~20 files at a time so leaving them open works well enough. Maybe a list of bookmarked files and a list of recent files (per project) would better fill this role. 
> thanks for all your hard work!
> -s 
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