[txmt-dev] Re: .tm_tmp as project-specific semi-permanent directory?

Adam Strzelecki ono at java.pl
Thu Sep 6 21:50:05 UTC 2012

> I am leaning toward this mapping:
> 1. .textmate_config ⇔ .textmaterc ⇔ .tm_properties
> 2. .cache/textmate/session/
> 3. .cache/textmate/cache/
> 4. .cache/textmate/run/

IMHO your mapping idea has kind of "identity problem". You've explained in some previous post (at GitHub AFAIR) that .tm_properties are UNIX like, but "properties" suffix isn't really common on UNIX, which tends to use "rc" or "config". Also UNIX tools keep their stuff in .toolname/ and keep away of creating .genericname/ folders.

So I am pretty against TM using .cache/

So why couldn't we just follow Git mapping, but instead of using .git prefix, we make .tm or .txmt and let the user decide whether he wants to put .tm into the the repo or put /.tm/ into .gitignore ?

It would then look following:




Adam Strzelecki

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