[SVN] Find in project window broken? TM2 build 9147

Paulo Moura pmoura at di.ubi.pt
Mon Jul 23 14:14:46 UTC 2012


I just read the blog post:


Nice reading. Learn a few more handy tricks. But in TM2 build 9147 the find in project window seems broken. I do a search, get a total for the number of items found, no list of the matches (as in TM1), inoperative bottoms "Previous" and "Next". Also, the following bit from the post:

"Along the same lines, you can now walk through Find in Project (⇧⌘F) matches using ⌘G. Even if the next match is another file, TextMate 2 will take you there."

does nothing. Same for the ⇧⌘G shortcut. This keeps me using TM1.

I'm using MacOS X 10.7.4. Your feedback is appreciated.



Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dep. of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

Office 3.18  Ext. 3276
Phone: +351 275 242081 Fax: +351 275 319899
Email: <mailto:pmoura at di.ubi.pt>

Home page: <http://www.di.ubi.pt/~pmoura>
Research:  <http://logtalk.org/> Blog: <http://blog.logtalk.org/>

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