[SVN] Re: Lua.tmbundle fixes and improvements (stderr formatting script)

Adam Strzelecki ono at java.pl
Sat Dec 31 14:42:40 UTC 2011

> Confused as to why you didn't do a fork, the bundle format between one and two is identical, no need for anything more fancy than a simple fork and commits.

I would do that, but I was confused as well to see that TM2 alpha Lua bundle copy is not the one at https://github.com/textmate/lua.tmbundle. This TM2 bundle uses binary plists while github version uses XML plist, moreover in TM2 bundle there are extra files such README.mdown and Preferences/Folding.tmPreferences (I did changes to that one too, and that one is problably TM2 only).

All I can see TM2 takes that one from http://updates.textmate.org/Bundles/Lua.tbz, but I don't have any idea how these files are packages.

If you find forking github Lua.tmbundle more convenient, I'll do so, but what about Folding.tmPreferences then?

Best regards,

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