[SVN] Re: [TxMt] Unit Testing Grammars: GrammarTestMate

Mads Hartmann Jensen mads379 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 19:34:12 UTC 2010

I've been working with GTM in combination with my Scala bundle (http://github.com/mads379/scala.tmbundle). It seems to work nicely. 

When I run GTM it outputs the following error.

grammar_for_scope: unable to find a grammar for ‘source.regexp.oniguruma’
*** couldn’t resolve source.regexp.oniguruma
grammar_for_scope: unable to find a grammar for ‘source.regexp.oniguruma’
*** couldn’t resolve source.regexp.oniguruma

It does, however, result in the correct output so it's not a big deal but I would like to get rid of the error :)

Mads Hartmann 
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