[SVN] r11840 (R)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Mon Nov 23 09:08:01 UTC 2009

• fixed compatibility for creating the help index between R >= 2.10 and R < 2.10
- by my opinion a weird issue:
FILE=$(find -f "$lpath"/*/help/* -name AnIndex 2>/dev/null)
worked on my MacBook (R 2.10) but not on Mac Pro (R.2.9.2) with the error message "Argument list too long" but both Macs has for "$lpath" the same file structure and make usage of the same CLI "find" and have the same OS 10.6.2.
FILE=$(find -f "$lpath"/*//* -name AnIndex 2>/dev/null)
this works on both machines

U   trunk/Bundles/R.tmbundle/Support/bin/rebuild_help_index.sh

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