[SVN] Re: How to create a Textmate bundle tutorial

Matt Foster matt.p.foster at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 19:18:26 UTC 2009

2009/3/24 Aaron H <aaronthyde at yahoo.com>:
> I've been using Textmate for Ruby on Rails development, so I'm familiar with
> it from that aspect. I'm interested in developing a bundle that does the
> color coding and formatting like the Ruby and Ruby on Rails bundles. I'm
> looking for tutorials and how-to's on how to create a bundle. I would
> appreciate any suggestions and resources.

Hi Aaron,

I cc'd you in case you aren't subscribed. Sorry if you get duplicates.

I'd get hold of a copy of the TextMate book. It has a worked example,
which I found very useful.
You can find that here: http://pragprog.com/titles/textmate/textmate

Looking at other bundles is also handy, as you've probably already discovered.

I've also posted some bits and pieces on my blog, which might be
useful, too. You can find them here:

I hope that helps,

Matt Foster | http://hackerific.net

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