[SVN] Perlcritic command.

Matt Foster matt.p.foster at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 13:50:50 UTC 2009

I found a submission to add a perlcritic command to the perl bundle
[1]. Since I'm learning perl for a new job, I decided to rewrite it
using executor (I realise it's a ruby script ;).
I've attached a patch against r10926, in case anyone is interested,
and I'm happy to modify it if needs be.

It requires Alex's recent changes to executor and Perl::Critic. The
path to perlcritic can be set using TM_PERLCRITIC, and the level of
criticism can be set using TM_PERLCRITIC_LEVEL.



[1]: http://www.nabble.com/Perl-textmate-bundle-enhancement-:-Perlcritic-td18293759.html

Matt Foster | http://hackerific.net
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