[SVN] Re: r11308 (ActionScript 3)

Gerd Knops gerti-textmate at bitart.com
Sun Feb 15 17:17:10 UTC 2009

On Feb 15, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Simon Gregory wrote:

> Apologies for the duplicated commits/spam.
> I've decided to try git out and it appears that I don't fully
> understand git-svn. If anyone has any tips for keeping in sync with a
> svn repository please let me know.

Thats what I do for work, and I like git a lot. I am relatively new at  
this, but I give it a stab:

After the initial 'git-svn clone' the workflow is roughly this:

- Make local changes
- When it is time to commit:

	git-svn rebase	# get your repository in sync with remote, then apply  
your changes on top
	git-svn dcommit	# submit your changes to the remote repository

Note that this will send all your local commits one by one. To avoid  
that, you can use topic branches and when you merge them back to  
master, 'squash' the commits into one. That works roughly like that:

	git checkout -b my_branch	# create a new topic branch

Make changes, commit, make more changes, commit... When it is time to  
send it to the remote repository, I'd use this workflow (probably not  
the most elegant, but it is what I know):

	git checkout master		# switch to master
	git-svn rebase			# get remote changes and apply to master
	git checkout my_branch		# get back to your topic branch
	git rebase master		# rebase to be in sync with master, may need  
conflict resolution
	git checkout master		# back to master branch
	git merge --squash my_branch	# merge changes from 'my_branch', the '-- 
squash' combines all the commits from the branch into a single commit  
and let's you edit the commit message
	git branch -d my_branch		# delete your topic branch (sometimes you  
need -D instead of -d)
	git-svn dcommit			# Submit the changes to the remote repository


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