[SVN] r11279 (PHP)

Ciarán Walsh ciawal at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 10:29:46 UTC 2009

Reverting the addition of {…} block scoping, plus all changes which rely on that.

Scoping of blocks is currently not feasible, due to scope problems caused by PHP being embedded inside another language.

U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Commands/Insert Call to Parent.tmCommand
U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Commands/Special: Return Inside an Empty Tag.tmCommand
U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbols List: functions.tmPreferences
U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Snippets/Constructor.tmSnippet
U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Snippets/function xx( ).tmSnippet
D   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Snippets/function …;.tmSnippet
D   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Snippets/public function ….tmSnippet
U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Syntaxes/PHP.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/info.plist

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