[SVN] r11886 (R Console (Rdaemon))

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Sun Dec 6 20:27:59 UTC 2009

• changed "Reset Output" - now it will execute sink(file=NULL) until all redirects are closed
• allow user to execute a "pbcopy pipe", "edit", and "fix" command by pressing the normal "Execute Line" short-cut ↩ instead running it in the background
- "fix" and "edit" won't return a value but will insert "\n> " 
- for "edit": only the notation à la: y <- edit(x) will work; only "edit(x)" will write the returned value into the nirvana

U   trunk/Bundles/R Console (Rdaemon).tmbundle/Commands/Reset Output.tmCommand
U   trunk/Bundles/R Console (Rdaemon).tmbundle/Macros/Execute Line.tmMacro
U   trunk/Bundles/R Console (Rdaemon).tmbundle/Support/bin/execute.sh
U   trunk/Bundles/R Console (Rdaemon).tmbundle/Support/lib/help.markdown

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