[SVN] r10617 (Text(unified formatting))

Luke Daley ld at ldaley.com
Tue Sep 23 13:36:07 UTC 2008

• Added un-format commands.

The way this currently works is to have the format command bind to the `text` scope, but have the un-format commands to bind to the scope that encompasses the formatting demarcations. For example, `Unbold` is bound to markup.bold.

U   branches/Text(unified formatting).tmbundle/Commands/Bold.tmCommand
A   branches/Text(unified formatting).tmbundle/Commands/Detalicise.tmCommand
U   branches/Text(unified formatting).tmbundle/Commands/Monospace.tmCommand
A   branches/Text(unified formatting).tmbundle/Commands/Unbold.tmCommand
A   branches/Text(unified formatting).tmbundle/Commands/Unraw.tmCommand
U   branches/Text(unified formatting).tmbundle/info.plist

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