[SVN] Re: Dialog2 API change

Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Tue Sep 16 05:23:46 UTC 2008

Yeah that makes complete sense. And it's really best to fix it now  
before it's been released.

I assume the ruby wrapper in ui.rb will stay the same?

Thomas Aylott / SubtleGradient (from iPhone)

On Sep 14, 2008, at 8:25 AM, Allan Odgaard <mailinglist at textmate.org>  

> I would like to change it so that all commands have argument parsing
> 100% handled by the “framework” code (provided by Dialog2).
> This means I want to change the window command’s sub command to an
> argument, so instead of:
>    show/create «options» «nib path»
>    update [-p «parameters»] «window token»
>    wait/close «window token»
> It will be:
>    --show «nib path» [«options»]
>    --create «nib path» [«options»]
>    --update «window token» [-p «parameters»]
>    --wait «window token»
>    --close «window token»
> Likewise the tooltip command which presently has -t/--transparent  
> and -
> f/--format as options, and takes text/html from STDIN will be:
>    --text «text» -t/--transparent
>    --html «html» -t/--transparent
> There might be a few other commands needing change.
> The advantage should be consistency and less code in the various
> commands, also, I imagine with parsing 100% handled by the framework,
> we can introduce a declarative system for constraints as well so that
> constraints are handled by teh framework rather than let each command
> check if more than one mutually exclusive argument is used, etc.
> One more change here, presently some commands read data or a property
> list from stdin, sometimes optionally. I want to standardize on always
> have stdin read, be interpreted as a property list where the keys
> correspond to command line arguments, with actual command line
> arguments augmenting what’s read from stdin.
> So in case of tooltip, we now have 3 forms:
>   1. "$DIALOG" tooltip --transparent --html "<h1>hello"
>   2. "$DIALOG" tooltip               <<< '{ transparent; html =
> "<h1>hello"; }'
>   3. "$DIALOG" tooltip --transparent <<< '{ html = "<h1>hello"; }'
> I.e. in #1 we only use CLI arguments, #2 uses STDIN exclusively, and
> #3 mixes STDIN and CLI arguments.
> One thing I am considering here is allowing ‘-’ to be given as an
> argument value, to indicate that the data parsed from STDIN should be
> used for teh value of this argument, but I am not sure if this is that
> useful (and by introducing it, we run into the problem of not being
> able to provide a literal dash as argument value).
> Any comments?
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