[SVN] Re: r10724 (Latex)

Jeroen van der Ham jeroen at dckd.nl
Mon Oct 27 18:54:37 UTC 2008

Brad Miller wrote:
> The alternative that I had looked at for texMate itself was to insert
> /usr/texbin in the PATH variable if it was not already there.  Does Ruby
> have the ability to modify the PATH environment variable before spinning off
> the texMate Python process?  If this is the case then texbin could be
> inserted as well as $TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin

I was asking because I wanted to use "find_app" from 
$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin. It used to work automatically, because that was 
inserted into the path, but I understand now that that is being moved 
away from. So I'll just prefix it properly.

As for adding /usr/texbin into PATH, I don't think that that's a good 
idea. Then you get into all kind of nastiness that we want to avoid now.


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