[SVN] r10707

Alexander John Ross alex.j.ross at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 19:58:49 UTC 2008

• Added a :bootstrap keyword argument to Executor.  This is for Run commands that need a multi-step process to run the current file.  For instance, the C.tmbundle uses a bootstrap script to build and run the current file.  Avoid putting logic in the bootstrap script.  Again, look at C's Run command for the best-practice.  Basically, all the ordinary arguments (compiler, flags, filename) are given as ordinary to Executor.  Executor passes all of these arguments to the bootstrap script.  The bootstrap script runs the compiler with the flags and filename given, but also adds an output file flag and runs the resulting file.

• Show a nice error description if arg[0] of Executor cannot be found on the PATH.  This is mostly so LaTeX users will not be terribly confused when their Typeset & View command stops working with the next minor revision.

U   trunk/Support/lib/tm/executor.rb

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