[SVN] r10663 (GetBundles)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Oct 2 13:03:30 UTC 2008

• added check whether info.plist exists (for safety reasons)
• fine-tuned search for bundles at github.com
- it looks for bundle, tmbundle, textmate (in threads to save time)
- only those will be caught if they:
-- ends with tmbundle, textmate bundle, tm bundle
-- the description doesn't contain the stop keywords:
--- "my own","my personal","personal bundle","obsolete","deprecated","work in progress"
- this also finds projects like foo.tmbundle
• updated infoDialog to get rid of project names with a dot
• updated infoDialog to get info even if the search for foo-bar-bla fails; then look for foo+bar+bla; if that fails show up the window w/o yaml data

This workaround for searching bundles on github should be temporary until the bundles are named according to the convention foo.tmbundle or, if github will not fix the search bug in the space of this millennium, foo-tmbundle 

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/getBundles.rb

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