[SVN] r10863 (WIP/Tools)

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Mon Nov 24 20:39:03 UTC 2008

Remove CLIProxy usage from TMDIncrementalPopUpMenu.mm

The CLI arguments are interpreted in extendedmenu.mm and is using the new argument system.

Also changed is image support; now the popup uses NSImage’s imageNamed: to show images. This allows using images from TM’s bundle or AppKit’s image library. Images provided on the command line gets registered under the name provided.

U   branches/WIP/Tools/Dialog2/Commands/ExtendedPopUp/TMDIncrementalPopUpMenu.h
U   branches/WIP/Tools/Dialog2/Commands/ExtendedPopUp/TMDIncrementalPopUpMenu.mm
U   branches/WIP/Tools/Dialog2/Commands/ExtendedPopUp/extendedmenu.mm

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