[SVN] r10792 (GetBundles)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Wed Nov 12 12:16:44 UTC 2008

• added "Refresh Local Bundle List" to the gear menu (it refreshes the updated/installed status after e.g. deleting a bundle in the Bundle Editor). While installing GetBundles does it automatically
• if the user wants to install a bundle which has been already installed under a versioning control system (based on folder .svn/ resp. .git/) GetBundles now asks the user to continue or not
 - in the table view indicates '..' after the status sign that this bundle has such a folder (by moving the mouse to that sign a tooltip gives an info - Leopard only I guess) [maybe should be improved]

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/getBundles.rb
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/nibs/BundlesTree.nib/info.nib
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/nibs/BundlesTree.nib/keyedobjects.nib

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