[SVN] bundle size

Daniel Stockman daniel.stockman at gmail.com
Tue May 20 17:04:24 UTC 2008

Yeah, I'd say that's gargantuan. A better approach would be the one  
used by the PHP bundle, using tooltip hinting for basic argument  
usage, and popping up a browser window linking to the doc page when ^H  
is pressed.

Having delved into the CF docs on many occasions, I can say that a lot  
of it is bloated, inaccurate, hard to navigate, and atrociously marked- 
up. Be that as it may, I don't think a TextMate bundle is the place to  
stash the entirety of the Developer's Guide, to say nothing of the  
quixotic API docs.

In my copious (har) spare time, I've been fiddling with my locally- 
hacked CF bundle, now hosted on Github[1]. The absurd number of hard- 
to-use, verbosely-invoked snippets from the old grammar are gone, and  
I'm going to give a go at copying the PHP approach to documentation  
next. Feel free to fork/follow, if you want.


[1]: http://github.com/evocateur/coldfusion-tmbundle/tree/master

On May 20, 2008, at 6:24 AM, Steven Ross wrote:

> I am pondering the idea of adding all of the help documentation to the
> coldfusion bundle, unfortunately its 37mb of text files, is that  
> "too big"?
> Should we provide a separate download for something like this? The  
> only
> downside to the separate download idea I can see is that users may  
> have to
> edit the bundle to tell it where they put the source files.
> thoughts?
> -- 
> Steven Ross
> web application & interface developer
> http://blog.stevensross.com
> [mobile] 404-488-4364 [fax] (404) 592-6885
> [ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]
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