[SVN] Lighthouse setup for bundles?

Thomas Aylott - subtleGradient textmate at subtleGradient.com
Fri May 2 08:16:25 UTC 2008

On May 1, 2008, at 9:50 PM, Luke Daley wrote:
> I agree with all of that. One appealing quality of Jira is that it  
> can be cut back to bare essentials. I have no doubt we could  
> configure it to be extremely easy for end users to use, and it's  
> extensive API means we could have bug reporting from within TM, just  
> like Lighthouse.
> If we can make it work, I think crucible is the real win here  
> though. It would basically formalise a lot of the existing processes  
> that Infin goes through with new stuff, but make it much more  
> trackable. And of course tieing in the problem (ticket) with the  
> patch evolution (crucible review) and the actual commit and being  
> able to see all of that from the ticket in Jira is pretty appealing  
> to me at least.
> But for sure, that could be overkill for most if we don't get it  
> right.
> LD.

So what's going on with Jira and all that?
When are we going to be able to use it?

Will random 3rd party bundles be able to use the same system?

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