[SVN] r9141

Luke Daley ld at ldaley.com
Mon Mar 17 07:44:08 UTC 2008

• Prototyping of write() implementation that captures the output for the purpose of displaying as the prompt when input is requested. The current implementation is naive and ignores all concurrency concerns as well as other concerns that will need to be dealt with.
• Expanded on ruby-test.rb to preliminarily test the new write() functionality.

U   trunk/Review/Tools/tmread/build.sh
U   trunk/Review/Tools/tmread/src/dialog.c
U   trunk/Review/Tools/tmread/src/dialog.h
A   trunk/Review/Tools/tmread/src/write.c
A   trunk/Review/Tools/tmread/src/write.h
U   trunk/Review/Tools/tmread/test/ruby-test.sh

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