[SVN] r10059 (Unicode)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Jun 26 18:31:54 UTC 2008

- fixed: in relatedChar bad utf-8 sequence in row 'o'
- added: in ShowUniProp for safety reasons check if TM_CURRENT_LINE exists, it could happen that a line contains a invalid utf-8 sequence and this variable won't be set
- fixed typos in ConvertToUniChar and FullHalfConv (splitlines instead of splitline)

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Support/bin/ConvertToUniChar.py
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Support/bin/FullHalfWidthConverter.py
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Support/bin/ShowUnicodeProperty.py
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Support/lib/relatedChars.txt

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