[SVN] r9912 (Unicode)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Jun 12 21:54:10 UTC 2008

- now we can insert any Unicode char into the current doc by using an HTML window's TextMate.system(osascript) command
- it is Tiger/Leopard compatible
- char > U+FFFF no problem

- increase speed esp. for Tiger systems
- problem: HTML input search field can start multiple SQL queries, this leads to a kind of blocking

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Commands/Insert Unicode Character via Name….tmCommand
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Support/bin/SearchUNInames.py
A   trunk/Review/Bundles/Unicode.tmbundle/Support/bin/TMinsertUTF8text.sh

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