[SVN] r9844 (Subversion (Interactive Input))

Luke Daley ld at ldaley.com
Mon Jun 2 11:27:35 UTC 2008

• Force operations on urls to specify the @rev suffix if required rather than tacking on implicitly. Tacking it on implicitly could lead to commands targeted at the wrong files.

• Where appropriate strip the @rev suffix of the command target for display purposes.

U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/bin/cat.rb
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/bin/diff.rb
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/lib/subversion.rb
U   branches/Subversion (Interactive Input).tmbundle/Support/lib/view/log_html.rb

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