[SVN] r10332 (GetBundles)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Fri Jul 25 10:26:47 UTC 2008

- improved info window
- for svn included infos coming from the info.plist
- the dialog can be cancelled while getting infos
- changed the info button style, now it's at the top bar without icon caused by the Tiger compatibility 
- fixed some minor issues

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/getBundles.rb
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/nibs/BundlesTree.nib/classes.nib
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/nibs/BundlesTree.nib/info.nib
U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/nibs/BundlesTree.nib/keyedobjects.nib

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