[SVN] r11021 (GetBundles)

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Mon Dec 15 13:53:07 UTC 2008

• updated DIALOG2 syntax for ResolveSources nib
• if a bundle has been deleted by using the Bundle Editor or the Finder while GetBundles is running GetBundles will refresh the local status if the user chose to delete a bundle instead of trying to delete it
• GetBundles waits on each modal TM window
 - necessary to get the answer of TM's "Update Bundle" dialog or TM's error message
 - after downloading a bundle into the temp dir a file named 'installed' will be created inside of that bundle
 - if that file 'installed' will be found inside of the just installed bundle GetBundle will delete it and it will update com.macromates.textmate.getbundles.plist; if not it indicates that the installation failed for some reasons or the user chose to not update the bundle if that bundle has already been installed

U   trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/Support/getBundles.rb

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