[SVN] ActionScript 3, 'build fcsh' requires iTerm

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Thu May 31 10:58:43 UTC 2007

On 29. May 2007, at 12:02, David Eriksson wrote:

> [...]
> To be able to run within TM, I have never seen any other bundle  
> reusing a running instance of some app, but one way would be to use  
> a local socket and make the communication between the nice TM- 
> window and the running terminal app.
> The output from the running fsch, either wrap it and grab the std  
> out/err or pipe the output to some temp-file which the TM-window  
> could read from
> Anyone got hints on other bundes doing such things with TM !?

TerminalMate does the socket approach.

I also have this proof-of-concept code http://pastie.textmate.org/66467

Try ⌘R that in TextMate, it runs ‘sh’ as a shell interpreter and  
waits for commands to be written to /tmp/testpipe, so in a new shell  
do e.g.:

     echo date >/tmp/testpipe

This should show the current date in TM’s run window -- when done,  
write “exit” to /tmp/testpipe.

For fcsh, it would run fcsh instead of sh, and it would detach. Some  
additional logic would need to be added to check if it is already  

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