[SVN] ActionScript 3, "build fcsh" requires iTerm

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Mon May 28 19:40:33 UTC 2007

On 28. May 2007, at 19:28, David Eriksson wrote:

> Any reason why iTerm is required for the build fcsh shell script?!

I was thinking the same thing… at least it should be Terminal with  
an optional use of iTerm.

The Shell Script → Open Terminal does such a check. When I wrote  
that code, I did consider moving it out to a support library, seeing  
how a few bundle items has a need (or option) to run stuff in the  

> Couldn't it just run as a "Command" and using the std shell.
> I like the way it works for example the Python bundle where you can  
> choose to run a Terminal/Bash or run directly in TM and get the  
> output nicely formatted. (pymate.rb) A bit weird to go by ruby but  
> I guess they use it for the scriptmate.rb features

I assume Terminal / iTerm was chosen here because it seemed easier.  
But definitely just running it inside TM (with pretty-printed HTML  
output) is preferred.

Simon, is there any need for the interactive features of the terminal  
when doing the build? Or could this run as a TM command?

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