[SVN] ActionScript 3, non flex docs

Ale Muñoz ale at bomberstudios.com
Mon May 28 18:24:42 UTC 2007

On 28/05/2007, at 19:28, David Eriksson wrote:

> Hi,
> I saw it's on the list and I guess you already know that there is a  
> file where you easily can do the doc lookups
> /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Flash\ CS3/en/Configuration/ 
> HelpPanel/Help/ActionScriptLangRefV3/
> just had a quick look but either
> help_toc.xml, where you have an index, sorted by some levels, to  
> know scope etc it would need some work
> or
> all-classes.html, where the paths seem to reflect the packages, like
> flash/display/BitmapData.html

There is a command on the ActionScript bundle that does exactly that  
(except for looking at all-classes.html, thanks for the hint) and it  
has been recently updated to search *all* docs (including Flash Lite  
and the Component Reference)

Take a look at it and see if you can use it. If not, feel free to rip  
the code :)

The command is here:


Ale Muñoz
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