[SVN] r6788 (Subversion)

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Tue Mar 13 00:40:11 UTC 2007

On Mar 12, 2007, at 2:56 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> • swap position of Revert and Cancel so that the affirmative choice  
> is placed where affirmative choices are normally placed, gets the ↩  
> as shortcut key, plus makes ⌘. work to cancel the dialog

But the whole point of this dialog is to prevent accidental data loss.


> Don’t use a default button if the most likely action is dangerous— 
> for example, if it causes a loss of user data. When there is no  
> default button, pressing Return or Enter has no effect; the user  
> must explicitly click a button. This guideline protects users from  
> accidentally damaging their work by pressing Return or Enter. You  
> can consider using a safe default button, such as Cancel.
I have to say that I'm not a fan of this sort of dialog ('you clicked  
Revert, are you sure you really meant  to click Revert?') in general.  
It's better than nothing, which is why it's there now, but better  
would be to provide undo capability. That may be beyond the present  
scope of the Subversion bundle, however. It opens up a pretty large  
can of worms.


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