[SVN] r7480 (Git)

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Tue Jun 12 00:11:52 UTC 2007

Some quick, broad comments:

- Subversion++ is a great idea -- I'd use this capability regularly
- Git bundle is a great idea
- More sharing is abstractly a great idea

> Selection: Most commands have logic to check if there is a selection  
> (and then various variations of how to decode TM_SELECTED_FILES into  
> an array), a project folder, a current directory, etc.

Maybe this should be higher level than SCM?

> Paths: Paths need to be pretty printed, that means, if we run on the  
> project folder, they should be relative to this one, if we run on a  
> selection, preferably they should be relative to the nearest common  
> ancestor of the selection, finally they should fall back to being  
> shown with the home folder abbreviated using a tilde — many  
> commands presently have some custom logic that sort of does the  
> above (but not quite, and each one re-invents the wheel).

This, too, might be useful at a higher level than SCM.

> Status: I know many svn commands have their own mapping of letter →  
> status text and foreground/background color. This should be  
> encapsulated into a SCM::Status class where instances are mostly  
> created by name (and can then be queried about color, etc.)

I haven't tried to fix this in the past because the solution would  
have to somehow map into Objective-C for the commit window. A  
tm_dialog-based commit window will simplify the task, but some code  
probably needs to be integrated into the dialog plugin. Bindings fixes  
in Leopard may make this easier.

A related question... how is this going to map into TM 2.x? Will 2.0  
allow bundles to annotate files in the project view?


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