Full category proposal (was: [SVN] Tagging Bundles)

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Thu Feb 22 16:06:49 UTC 2007

How does this look (should include all bundles from the repository  
except code completion bundles, they use filenames rather than  
display names, sorry):

|-- Application support
|   |-- Quake
|   |-- Remind
|   |-- SSH-Config
|   |-- Scripting language
|   |   |-- AppleScript
|   |   |-- FXScript
|   |   `-- Vectorscript
|   `-- iCalendar
|-- Data storage
|   |-- Diff
|   |-- Ini
|   |-- JSON
|   |-- Property List
|   |-- Tabular
|   |-- XML
|   `-- YAML
|-- Functionality
|   |-- CTags
|   |-- Experimental
|   |-- Experimental Wiki
|   |-- GetBundle
|   |-- Hotkey
|   |-- ImageBrowser
|   |-- Math
|   |-- Navigation
|   |-- Outlines
|   |-- RegularExpressions
|   |-- S5
|   |-- Source
|   |-- Text
|   |-- TextMate
|   `-- Web Searches
|-- Graphics
|   |-- Context Free
|   |-- Graphviz
|   |-- Gri
|   |-- Logo
|   |-- Postscript
|   `-- Processing
|-- Mac specific
|   |-- FileMerge
|   |-- Installer
|   |-- MacPorts
|   |-- Rez
|   |-- TerminalMate
|   |-- Transmit
|   |-- Widget Creator
|   |-- Xcode
|   `-- iTerm
|-- Music
|   `-- Lilypond
|-- Productivity
|   |-- GTD
|   |-- GTD2
|   |-- GTDAlt
|   `-- TODO
|-- Programming
|   |-- ANTLR
|   |-- Build system
|   |   |-- Experimental Makefile
|   |   |-- Makefile
|   |   `-- SCons
|   |-- Framework
|   |   |-- OpenGL
|   |   `-- Qt
|   |-- Language
|   |   |-- Active4D
|   |   |-- Ada
|   |   |-- C
|   |   |-- D
|   |   |-- Dylan
|   |   |-- Eiffel
|   |   |-- Erlang
|   |   |-- F-Script
|   |   |-- Fortran
|   |   |-- Groovy
|   |   |-- Haskell
|   |   |-- Inform
|   |   |-- Io
|   |   |-- Java
|   |   |-- Lisp
|   |   |-- Logtalk
|   |   |-- Lua
|   |   |-- MEL
|   |   |-- MIPS
|   |   |-- Modula
|   |   |-- Mono
|   |   |-- Nemerle
|   |   |-- OCaml
|   |   |-- Objective-C
|   |   |-- Pascal
|   |   |-- Perl
|   |   |-- Prolog
|   |   |-- Python
|   |   |-- Ruby
|   |   |-- SWIG
|   |   |-- SWeave
|   |   |-- Scheme
|   |   |-- ShellScript
|   |   |-- Slate
|   |   |-- Standard ML
|   |   `-- Tcl
|   `-- Ragel
|-- Query language
|   |-- Propel
|   `-- SQL
|-- Science
|   |-- Matlab
|   `-- R
|-- Version control
|   |-- CVS
|   |-- Darcs
|   |-- Mercurial
|   |-- Perforce
|   |-- SVK
|   `-- Subversion
|-- Web developer
|   |-- ActionScript
|   |-- Client side
|   |   |-- CSS
|   |   |-- Experimental HTML
|   |   |-- HTML
|   |   |-- JavaScript
|   |   |-- JavaScript Prototype & Script_aculo_us
|   |   |-- JavaScript YUI
|   |   `-- jQuery
|   |-- Framework
|   |   |-- CAKE
|   |   |-- Django
|   |   |-- DjangoTemplates
|   |   |-- Rails
|   |   `-- Symfony
|   |-- Server administration
|   |   |-- Apache
|   |   `-- Lighttpd
|   |-- Server side language
|   |   |-- ASP
|   |   |-- ASP_vb_NET
|   |   |-- ColdFusion
|   |   `-- PHP
|   `-- Template
|       |-- Haml
|       |-- Mason
|       |-- Movable Type
|       |-- Smarty
|       `-- Template Toolkit
`-- Writer
     |-- Blogging
     |-- Bulletin Board
     |-- Documentation
     |   |-- Doxygen
     |   `-- Man Pages
     |-- Latex
     |-- Latex experimental
     |-- Mail
     |-- Markdown
     |-- Setext
     |-- Textile
     |-- Wiki
     |   |-- DokuWiki
     |   |-- Mediawiki
     |   |-- MoinMoin
     |   `-- Twiki
     `-- reStructuredText

My brief comments/concerns:

Application support and Mac specific overlap.

Writer → Documentation could just as well be Programmer →  

People probably do not expect to find AppleScript in Application  
support → Scripting language.

Diff should not be under Data storage.

There was no good place to fit in Ragel.

Having a group for wiki-specific markup is strange when many wikis  
support Markdown, Textile, BBCode, etc.

If Writer is Writing, it might better justify some of the stuff in  
that category.

S5 should probably not be under Functionality.

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