[SVN] Tagging Bundles

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 15:26:21 UTC 2007

>    command language -- this is a subset of source code, but source
> code is a huge group, and things like R, Matlab, etc. are not really
> source code

In what way are they not really source code?  Because they are not compiled?

> With the latter I was thinking, instead of 'source code' maybe tag it
> 'language' and then introduce these new tags:
>    command (language) -- generally interpreted line-by-line
>    query   (language) -- used to store structured queries
>    data    (language) -- instead of file format, this would be for
> non-prose and non-executable languages
>    markup  (language) -- basically everything that holds prose

I like this breakdown.


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