[SVN] PATCH: Erlang.tmbundle parenthesized expression scope

Alain O'Dea alain.odea at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 05:23:21 UTC 2007

Proposed Patch
The following patch corrects the language definition of Erlang in  
Erlang.tmbundle to correctly identify the scope of parenthesized  
--- Syntaxes/Erlang.plist	(revision 8755)
+++ Syntaxes/Erlang.plist	(working copy)
@@ -902,6 +902,10 @@
+							<string>#parenthesized-expression</string>
+						</dict>
+						<dict>
+							<key>include</key>

This makes the rule 'function' include the rule 'parenthesized- 
expression' in its patterns resulting in correct highlighting of code  
involving parenthesized expressions.

There is a omission of an pattern include in the language definition  
of Erlang in Erlang.tmbundle that causes incorrect syntax highlighting  
following a parenthesized expression.

The following legal Erlang code does not have the correct scope  
identified in the fibonnaci(1) clause using the syntax rules provided  
in Erlang.tmbundle:
fibonnaci(0) -> (0);
fibonnaci(1) -> 1;
fibonnaci(N) -> fibonacci(N-1) + fibonnaci(N-2).

The second clause (starting on line 3) is identified as having scope:

When its scope should actually be:

Interestingly the scope of the fibonacci(N) clause is correctly  

This problem does not appear to occur with constructs like lists  
([Item,Item,...]), tuples ({Item,Item,...}), or binaries  
(<<Byte,Byte,...>>) as in:
f(0) -> {0};
f(1) -> {1};
f(N) -> {2}.

The same problem occurs across function definitions where f() and h()  
both have correct scopes, but g() has the same incorrect scope as  
f() -> (0).
g() -> 1.
h() -> 2.

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