[SVN] r8741 (Apache)

Simon Gregory simon at helvector.org
Fri Dec 28 23:46:15 UTC 2007

Updating documentation search. This now searches and index file for the current word/selection then redirects or presents a list as appropriate. If the user appears to have the documentation installed locally then the script favours it over the apache website.

A   trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Commands/Documentation for Word:Selection.tmCommand
D   trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Commands/Lookup word in Apache manual.plist
A   trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Support/bin/apache_doc.rb
A   trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Support/data/
A   trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Support/data/apache_doc_dictionary.xml
A   trunk/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle/Support/lib/apache_mate.rb

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