[SVN] r8660 (CSS, Experimental, Textile)

Allan Odgaard throw-away-2 at macromates.com
Thu Dec 13 09:57:08 UTC 2007

• allow request_color to be called with no arguments (or nil)
• let request_color return nil when user cancels the color picker
• handle user cancel in Insert Color… and replace_colors.rb

The Textile command has been simplified. It read a tag from stdin and inserted that as part of the result, but it also read the default color from stdin, which could never have worked, since stdin was already consumed. So now it reads nothing from stdin and just inserts the color (no tags potentially read from stdin).

U   trunk/Bundles/CSS.tmbundle/Commands/Insert Color.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Experimental.tmbundle/Support/replace_colors.rb
U   trunk/Bundles/Textile.tmbundle/Commands/Insert Color….tmCommand
U   trunk/Support/lib/ui.rb

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