[SVN] r8631 (JavaScript)

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Mon Dec 10 16:12:19 UTC 2007

On Dec 10, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Thomas Aylott - subtleGradient wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
> The reason to keep them sorted separately is if there is some reason  
> why they should not choose one of those syntaxes. In this particular  
> case it doesn't matter what they choose since they aren't losing out  
> on any absolutely necessary functionality.
> I didn't think I was doing anything controversial before either, so  
> I'm not sure how controversial my plans are. Perhaps I should run  
> them by the community before I implement anything new.

My only point was that if there isn't any reason anyone would  
intentionally want one or the other then why provide a obvious option  
as to confuse people? Need I really go find some nifty acronym to  
point to that says keep worthless options to a minimum? ;)

>> The only place I can see it mattering here is that Dreamer has  
>> complained how much slower the punctuation scopes have made pastes  
>> as it adds a lot of overhead to the HTML parser. Tab/space scopes  
>> could easily quadruple them.
> There should probably be some sort of blacklist of scopes that  
> aren't converted into html.
> All punctuation and whitespace scopes would be pretty useless  
> converted to html I would think.
> Where does the code for that sit? I may take a crack at it.

TextMate bundle, it's already been tackled by Scott Stevenson; but he  
hasn't submitted the code. But his post might be a good starting point.


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