[SVN] r8631 (JavaScript)

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Mon Dec 10 10:23:55 UTC 2007

On Dec 10, 2007, at 2:42 AM, Thomas Aylott - subtleGradient wrote:

> This is not the same issue as the PHP/HTML issue. Some people might  
> prefer the simpler subset of rules that the basic Javascript syntax  
> has. They should be sorted close to eachother because they are  
> related and are both viable choices.

This argument could be made to make two grammars of any language,  
surely the confusion issue would arise more than the style issue?  
Unless your planning some controversial stuff in one of them? ;)

> I agree. Duplication of the 2 rules in a repository item that make  
> up the leading space scopes could be a maintenance issue.
> But to paraphrase another great member of this community... [snip]
> This does need to be a TextMate, E-texteditor & InType application  
> side feature.
> And as soon as it's available in TextMate I'll be the first person  
> to rip it out of every syntax in the repo.

Spent 15 minutes here trying to come up with reasons against it; but  
it all ended up sounding petty. I just basically feel it's not the way  
to patch around a missing feature. Nothing I say will make it look  
like less of a desirable feature.

> How do you have something like that present but disabled?
> If it's in the syntax then it's present. If you can see it in your  
> code then it's present in your theme.

Add "disabled = '1';" to the rule; it will be disabled but still  
present. Easier to flip that switch than manually add it. And if it's  
a repository rule it works really nice in a delta file as it only  
'freezes' that repository item not the whole grammar.

> If you don't like it to be colored, then either modify your theme or  
> switch to a different one.
> If you have no bundle items or themes that make use of those scopes,  
> then they will never effect you.

The only place I can see it mattering here is that Dreamer has  
complained how much slower the punctuation scopes have made pastes as  
it adds a lot of overhead to the HTML parser. Tab/space scopes could  
easily quadruple them.

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