[SVN] r8087

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Fri Aug 31 11:50:06 UTC 2007

Altered the "Include Image" drag command so that it offers a little window with options for the insertion. Currently the window only gets focus if the drag was initiated with TextMate not being the active app. You'll otherwise have to click on the window to make things work (perhaps not a huge problem, since your hand is already on the mouse).

U   branches/LaTexNewConfig/DragCommands/Include Image.plist
A   branches/LaTexNewConfig/Support/bin/drop_image.rb
A   branches/LaTexNewConfig/Support/nibs/DropImage.nib/
A   branches/LaTexNewConfig/Support/nibs/DropImage.nib/classes.nib
A   branches/LaTexNewConfig/Support/nibs/DropImage.nib/info.nib
A   branches/LaTexNewConfig/Support/nibs/DropImage.nib/keyedobjects.nib

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