[SVN] r5194 (OCaml)

William D. Neumann wneumann at cs.unm.edu
Tue Sep 12 22:30:32 UTC 2006

This time with an actual real set of changes!

A few small tweaks:

* Added int32, int64, and nativeint literals to the constants section of the repository.

* Added sig, struct, and object to the folding start markers.  Modified the `end` regexp in the folding stop markers.  Note that for some reason folding stop markers are not being placed for `end =` lines, even though it matches the regexp, and a marker is placed for `end=`.  I need to figure this out sometime.

* Moved keyword.other.directive.ocaml and keyword.other.directive.line-number.ocaml ahead of storage.type.variant.polymorphic.ocaml which was hijacking them.

* Moved `match` and `with` from keyword.other.ocaml to keyword.control.ocaml.  Not only does it make try ... with blocks more consistently colored (if control and other keywords are colored differently), but it makes sense, as they essentially control branching within a function.

* Modified meta.polymorphic-variant.definition.ocaml so that refinement notations [> and [< are fully captured as punctuation.definition.polymorphic-variant.ocaml

* Added a beginning set of sub-meta scopes for inside module signature definitions.

William D. Neumann

U   trunk/Bundles/OCaml.tmbundle/Syntaxes/OCaml.plist

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