[SVN] r5782 (Rails)

Duane Johnson canadaduane at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 21:19:09 UTC 2006

[CHANGED] The 'Install Bundled Plugin' command has been changed to 'Install Plugin', and will now query agilewebdevelopment.com's directory for Rails plugins. You can click on the install icon to have TextMate install the plugin to your Rails project directory for you.  NOTE: This is an experimental feature, and is likely to be revamped shortly.

U   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Install Bundled Plugin.plist
D   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Support/bin/install_plugin.rb
A   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Support/bin/list_plugins.rb
A   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Support/images/
A   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Support/images/home.gif
A   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Support/images/install.gif
A   trunk/Bundles/Rails.tmbundle/Support/images/svn.png

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