[SVN] r5760

Brad Choate brad at bradchoate.com
Mon Oct 30 06:49:59 UTC 2006

Of course, now I'm wondering how this will change to support nested  
menus.  Perhaps a menu item can have a 'menuItems' key/value pair also?

On Oct 30, 2006, at 3:46 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> • new -u/--menu argument to tm_dialog which makes it interpret the  
> paramaters property list as a menu structure, the structure is an  
> array with the key menuItems and each item in the array is again a  
> dictionary with either a title key/value pair or a separator key/ 
> value pair, so an example would be to call:
>     tm_dialog -up '{ menuItems = ( { title = foo; }, { separator =  
> 1; }, { title = bar; } ); }'
> This shows a menu with two items and a separator between these. It  
> might seem a tad verbose, but a menu item can convey a lot of  
> things (which we may want to support in the future).
> The result from tm_dialog is a dictionary with a selectedIndex key  
> where the value is a zero-based index into the menuItems array, and  
> a selectedMenuItem key with the selected item as value (so you can  
> generally just store your user data in the structure you pass in.  
> If there is no selection, an empty dictionary is returned —  
> currently tm_dialog’s exit code is not affected by cancel (but  
> probably should be).
> Changed:
> U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/Dialog.h
> U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/Dialog.mm
> U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/Dialog.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
> U   trunk/Tools/Dialog PlugIn/tm_dialog.mm
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