[SVN] OCaml syntax highlight SLOW

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Tue Oct 10 00:00:59 UTC 2006

On 10. Oct 2006, at 01:50, Benjamin Ylvisaker wrote:

> I made the changes you suggested, and it seems to have helped quite a
> bit, but I still get the pinwheel for, maybe, 2 to 4 seconds when I
> switch to one of the big files.  That's livable (I was unhappily
> considering switching back to Aquamacs because of the delay before),
> but it would be nice if there wasn't any perceptible delay at all.

2.0 will have a somewhat faster parser, until then I am afraid your  
only options are to simplify the OCaml grammar or buy a faster  
machine ;)

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