[SVN] r6185 (Subversion)

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Fri Nov 24 17:22:29 UTC 2006

Maybe convert the entire commit window into a sheet.
Since it only applies to the selected file or files of the project  
you're working on.
Then you'll be free to work on other projects and files while it does  
it's thing.
It also really bugs me that it forces itself above all other windows.

Those all sound like awesome extensions to tm_dialog.
Growl alerts are actually little webkit windows with a transparent  
It should be relatively easy to use the same exact growl themes with  
tm_dialog's growl-like thing.
I would also really like to have an easy way to make HUD style  
windows. (http://earthlingsoft.net/ssp/blog/2006/07/hud)

On Nov 24, 2006, at 7:38 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> I think having commit run detached and async and then use tm_dialog  
> to bring up the status, is a good idea -- we can then later extend  
> tm_dialog with a more discreet dialog type (like tool tips or maybe  
> more Growl-like), to get to what we currently sort of have.
> I think this structure is better, as commit shouldn’t really (IMO)  
> block the entire application -- even though it could be argued that  
> it is so the user does not resave the files being committed, OTOH  
> it happens that commit is stalling for many seconds, in which the  
> user could be productive.
> I also like the sheet option Thomas suggests -- on that note, I do  
> plan to make an “as sheet” for tm_dialog :)
>> On Nov 19, 2006, at 6:28 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>>> • revert to r6016 since making the commit command run detached  
>>> and asynchronous means that no success/failure status is reported  
>>> after the commit
>>> Changed:
>>> U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Commands/Commit.plist

thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg

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