[SVN] r6016 (Subversion)

Chris Thomas chris at cjack.com
Wed Nov 8 17:55:00 UTC 2006

Implement Brad Choate's suggestion to mostly remove the HTML window during commit. A progress dialog is now shown during the data transfer, and the HTML window containing the results is shown at the end.

Further, for the more trusting souls out there, you can set the new environment variable TM_SVN_BRIEF_COMMIT_OUTPUT to eliminate the HTML window in favor of a tooltip displaying just the new revision number: 'Committed revision 4242.' If this variable is set, the HTML window appears only when an error occurs.

U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Commands/Commit.plist
U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Support/Templates/Commit.rhtml
U   trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Support/svn_commit.rb

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