[SVN] Ruby; command to show rdoc for current ruby source

Allan Odgaard throw-away-1 at macromates.com
Wed Mar 8 03:42:15 UTC 2006

On 7/3/2006, at 22:13, David Smiley wrote:

> I couldn't use HTML Output... I had to discard it and open the  
> output in a web browser.  The reason is that the HTML output  
> doesn't handle frames.

It should do -- however (quoting from [1]):

    Due to a (presumed) security restriction of WebKit it is not
    possible to have the HTML output redirect, link or reference files
    on your disk via the file: URL scheme. Instead you can use the
    tm-file: URL scheme, which works exactly like file:, but does not
    have this cross-scheme restriction.

So likely that is the problem.

> I also couldn't use mktemp to generate the rdoc output directory  
> because rdoc wants it to not exist

You could do:

    OUT=$(mktemp -dt rdoc)/rdoc

[1] http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/commands#html_output

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