[SVN] Programmatically add snippets?

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Thu Jun 15 14:02:13 UTC 2006

On Jun 15, 2006, at 8:49 AM, Stephen Skubik-Peplaski wrote:

> Is there a way to add snippets programmatically? I would like to  
> adapt the libc abbrevs from emacs to TM. I have created a file with  
> the text for some 1300 libc function calls (i.e. y0f(float ${1:X}) 
> $0) , and would like to process the list into individual snippets  
> without doing it manually...
> Thanks,
> Steph

Well, i'm sure you could write a shell script to parse them out and  
add the tab stops and then export them as xml plist files. You'd have  
to generate a UUID or whatever it's called, but i'm sure there's a  
shell command for that somewhere.

I had been thinking of doing just that for asp.NET 2.0, but  
thankfully i'm only doing Rails now, whew!

thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
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