[SVN] r2651 (Symfony)

Jakub Nesetril jakub.nesetril at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 00:19:44 UTC 2006

Great idea Fabien,

I might find myself adding more to the Symfony bundle in time perhaps.
Currently, I'd argue with the scoping of the snippets. For one, there
seems to be a transition (which I'm not sure how I feel about) from
using PHP bundle in HTML/PHP mixed files to using the HTML bundle,
which uses PHP bundle for it's PHP parts.

This makes sence exactly when it comes to using Symfony view
templates, since the PHP code style is very inlined with HTML and
visual separation of HTML and PHP code (and hence visual and logic
layers) is very desirable.

Thus, I propose to move foreach, for, echo, if to text.html scoping,
since they are supposed to be used outside of PHP context. I would
also change the trigger for echo to "techo" to be consistent with the
other HTML-scoped template snippet triggers.



On 2/3/06, Fabien POTENCIER <fabien.potencier at symfony-project.com> wrote:
> added new symfony bundle

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