[SVN] Javascript Punctuation Scopes

David Powers david at grayskies.net
Wed Aug 23 15:11:23 UTC 2006

The most obvious use I can think of for a meta.data type of scope is
to grab the current data structure in a single cut/copy.

On 8/23/06, thomas Aylott <oblivious at subtlegradient.com> wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> On 23/8/2006, at 7:02, Chris Thomas wrote:
> [...] Note that the current top level string.* hierarchy should probably be
> placed under the proposed datatype hierarchy:
>  inline-data.string.(double-quoted|whatever)
> One slight inconvenience is that we may want to style data structures with a
> faint change in background color, and that should apply to all but strings
> -- where strings would have a changed foreground color.
> So if we group them, we will see scope selectors like: 'data - data.string'.
> Though as string coloring is the dominant case, and can still use a simple
> scope selector, this might not be a real concern.
> I'm all for using scopes to describe the languages as they are.
> But i'm not feeling this data.string business.
> String feels like it should be a root element.
> Logically it might make a lot of sense to move it in under something more
> broad.
> But i can't conceive of an actual use for it.
> When would i ever want to color all data a single color?
> When would i ever want a snippet that only works in all of data, including
> strings?
> It just wouldn't ever get used like that, afaik. And would unnecessarily
> complicate the user's experience.
> However, the contents of arrays and objects and tables and all kinds of
> other random data structures would certainly all be grouped together in a
> theme all the time.
>  thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg
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