[SVN] Javascript Punctuation Scopes

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Mon Aug 21 17:20:58 UTC 2006

On Aug 21, 2006, at 9:28 AM, David Powers wrote:

> So, punctuation always delimits in some way, but we also want to  
> have some indication of it's real use... at the same time we want  
> to indicate the textual manner in which the punctuation is used.   
> Maybe splitting the scope's second and thir levels up into  
> syntax.function makes sense - as in:
> * punctuation.section.(quote|paragraph|comment|scope|function|etc)
>     The start/end of a structured section of some sort (comment,  
> paragraph, opening and
>     closing braces in code, etc).  Any potentially large (multi- 
> lined?) section that can
>     be described as serving a single function.  Could possibly become
>     punctuation.block.begin.foo and punctuation.block.end.foo, but  
> I’m not sure there is a
>     real use in such specificity (especially since there is not  
> always a literal end).
> * punctuation.separator.(valuepair|list|arguments|etc)
>     Any punctuation intended to separate two internal parts of a  
> logical whole.  This
>     includes key/value pairs in things like HTML/XML/YAML (but not  
> true assignment), as
>     well as items in a literal list ([1, 2, 3]).
> * punctuation.definition.(string|table|array|token|header|list|etc)
>     Punctuation that is intended to delimit the bounds of a single  
> item, generally
>     something that will become a real singular object in compiled/ 
> interpreted code.  Can
>     also be used in markup languages for delimiters that define  
> small conceptual units
>     (headers, list items, etc).
> * punctuation.terminator
>     Punctuation that terminates a statement, rule, line, etc.  
> (the ; in [print "foo\n";])
> * punctuation.other...
>     Every scope needs an other.  There are simply too many  
> languages and too many uses to
>     be confident that a set second level will capture everything  
> appropriately.  It should, of course
>     be highly limited in its use.
> For clarity - I’m including the remainder of the old definitions  
> and where I see them slotting in this system:
> * punctuation.delimiter.comment                     - bit of an  
> outlier (inline vs. block) but can probably be reasonably handled  
> as punctuation.section.comment
> * punctuation.delimiter.embedded                    -  
> punctuation.section.embedded
> * punctuation.delimiter.group                       -  
> punctuation.definition.group (punctuation.definition.regexp.group)
> * punctuation.delimiter.markup.header               -  
> punctuation.definition.header
> * punctuation.delimiter.markup.item                 -  
> punctuation.definition.list ,item, etc
> * punctuation.delimiter.markup.table.(column|row)   -  
> punctuation.definition.table.row,col
> * punctuation.delimiter.section.(rule|function|etc) -  
> punctuation.section
> * punctuation.delimiter.separator.argument          -  
> punctuation.separator.argument
> * punctuation.delimiter.separator.relationship      -  
> punctuation.separator.relationship
> * punctuation.delimiter.string                      -  
> punctuation.definition.string
> * punctuation.delimiter.tag                         -  
> punctuation.definition.tag
> * punctuation.delimiter.markup.image                -  
> punctuation.definition.link.image

ok, so for Javascript:

punctuation.section.comment = /* */

function funk(param,param){};
punctuation.section.function.parameters          = ( )
punctuation.section.function.parameters.contents = the space between ()
punctuation.separator.parameters                 = ,
punctuation.section.function                     = { }
punctuation.section.function.contents            = the space between {}
punctuation.terminator                           = ;

punctuation.section.function.arguments          = ( )
punctuation.section.function.arguments.contents = the space between ()
punctuation.separator.arguments                 = ,

object                                 = {one: 'one', two: 'two'}
punctuation.section.object             = { }
punctuation.section.object.contents    = the space between {}
punctuation.separator.valuepair.object = :
punctuation.definition.string          = ''
punctuation.separator.object           = ,

array = ['one','two','three']
punctuation.section.array          = [ ]
punctuation.section.array.contents = the space between []
punctuation.separator.list         = ,

string.replace(/regex/, 'string')
punctuation.separator.method = .
punctuation.section.regex    = / /

What about scoping the actual contents of ( ) and { } and [ ] ?
punctuation.section.contents        = the space between () and {} and  
[] and stuff
punctuation.section.string.contents = the space between "" and ''

It seems to me that the contents should be language specific,
just like the contents of strings are "string.quoted.double".

It does seem a bit verbose.

thomas Aylott—subtleGradient

thomas Aylott

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